Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 3

On Wednesday, I started volunteering at my new time (2-4p) since my previous time wasn't working out anymore. I rode with several of the guys volunteering for Cell. We got lost for a few minutes because we took a different way from the way I usually take and missed our exit. Thankfully, with a little help from my trusty GPS and some knowledge of Downtown, we were able to find our way.

When we got to SJC, we found a note on Sam's door, delegating all of our duties. Everyone else was assigned to medical records or dental, but I got to stay in Sam's office and work on the recipes I started last time, all the while munching on snacks provided for the volunteers. That made me appreciate my job even more because I wasn't stuck with all the boring paperwork like everyone else. Sam was nowhere to be found, but we went about our business as usual. I would've liked some help, though, because I was supposed to make the recipe cards look attractive, and my creative ability these days is nonexistent. In fact, the only thing I could come up with that was quasi-clever was to use the pink & purple SJC logo as bullets for the ingredients list, which turned out to be futile since Sam decided she wanted to print them out in black & white.

By the time Sam got there, it was almost time to leave. I ended up staying an extra 30 min again since the guys weren't supposed to finish until 4.30p. She suggested that I come on April 18 to shadow a doctor since they have plenty of doctors that day, and they almost never have doctors when I normally volunteer. I will try my best to go, but that is the same weekend as the Research Symposium, and I should be presenting.